Based-on Security & Trust
01. Fast & Agile
1-click deployment, 1 day workshop and configuration. Enforce your Salesforce System Administrator with security capabilities in a composable Point&Click user-interface.
02. Cost-Effective
Save business and R&D resources for your business goals whether than wasting on security design, development, testing and maintenance.
03. Real-Time Prevention
Enforce real-time security prevention on your Salesforce Org environment. Prevent regulatory risks and keep compliant to well-know security & privacy standards.

Industry-first native solution for real-time
security prevention on Salesforce Platform™
Get instant access to advanced Salesforce Platform security capabilities and take control of your Salesforce Org environment with granular country access list, advanced data-leakage-prevention, log encryption, secret management, and unique security incident response tools.
Founded by Mike Partush and
Naore Azenkut both experiencing large enterprises challenges to
efficiently balance business TTM
with security & privacy regulatory requirements. Both holding top certifications in the Cyber & Salesforce landscape.
Wix-like security for Salesforce Platform™, turning cyber challenges transparent to business goals and applications.
AI-driven decision-engines prevents cyber attacks in real-time.
Native on and runs within your Salesforce Org environment. Allowing you to internally enForce security policies on business applications without any exposures
to 3rd parties supply chain attacks.
Tech Partner

Dev Team Lead
Payment Provider
“enForce allows us to reallocate resources
from developing security controls to developing
business applications and processes.”